Wednesday, December 26, 2012

History ~The origin of the OVOP Movement~

Hello! How did you do on last holiday? I had a very good time at Christmas party with my friends.
Today I will write about the history (origin) of the One Village One Product Movement(OVOP).

last reviewThe OVOP Movement is…
The OVOP Movement is one of the regional community development policy in Oita prefecture in 1979. When its movement began , Oita was facing a major depopulation problem which was particularly severe among the younger generation and the GDP of Oita prefecture had been at the bottom in the whole Kyusyu. Mr.Hiramatsu became a deputy governor in Oita prefecture in 1975 had visited each areas in Oita. He got some impressions that people live in Oita had depended on national or regional government policy and not taken action local communities themselves on their poor condition.

( The origin of the OVOP Movement )
This movement in Oita has its roots not only in regional government policy , but rather in the initiative and efforts of local communities themselves.
The origin of the OVOP movement has come the movement in Oyma town in Oita prefecture since 1961; It’s called “NPC” ( New Plum and Chestnuts ) Movement or “Let’s plant plums and chestnuts there and travel Hawaii together” (「梅栗植えてハワイへ行こう」), promoting the production of plums and chestnuts to take advantage of the town’s geographical characteristics.

Oyama town in Oita
This movement in Oyama town was eventually in direct contrast to the national agricultural policy of the post-war period when the increase of food supply was the national agenda and national government vigorously encouraged the production of rice above any other agricultural products. But Oyma people definitely determined to grow other products by their own initiatives even if it was against the national policy and lost chance to get subsidies from central government.

( The movement in Oyama town )

~Plums~Specialty of Oyama town

Oyama town ( It was village in those days ) nestled in a mountainous region far from the urban centers of the prefecture, had 6,168 population in 1960. There consisted of forests 80 % of the town, so many Oyma people was forestry. In those days annual income average of a household of farmers in the national was 400 thousand yen, in Oyama was 170 thousand yen. Since this movement started, They had tried to producing plums and chestnuts because it was light work and could expect to get a lot of moneys. There had many older people in Oyma town.

This first period of time the challenge had been in the quite severe condition because they didn’t have any experience except their spiritual braveness. However their direction was right. After two years it started, Plums revenue were made 10 million yen by 500 producers, chestnuts was 15 million yen. Sixteen of producer could travel Hawaii. Then Oyama town produced not only plums and chestnuts, but also Shiitake, Sumomo and Enokidake. And local people opened some stores and restaurants. In 1993 total sales of its agricultural products had 2.3 billion 70 million yen.

Second and third stage of NPC movement incorporated human resource development initiatives, and tackled the issue of improving the living environment and lifestyle conditions for local residents.

Mr.Hiramatsu refined this model into a prefecture-wide policy of industrial rejuvenation.
The next time I will write the policy of the OVOP Movement.Thank you! 

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